The 20 Best Weight Loss Tips without Diet

Fast, healthy and easy to lose weight without dieting: We give 20 quick everyday weight loss tips that will save you an amazing amount of calories. Thank grease killers!

The 20 Best Weight Loss Tips without Diet

20 Best Weight Loss Tips without Diet

Slimming Tip 1: a low-calorie alternative to butter

High-calorie or high-fat foods can be replaced with healthier alternatives without much effort. For example, use cream cheese instead of butter. This lowers the amount of fat you eat every day.

Slimming Tip 2: Nibbling fun - these snacks are allowed

Do You want to nibble something? Then you pick up gummi bears from the health food store. They are fat-free and have less sugar because they are made from fruit juice. Low-calorie snacks for the TV evening are also carrots, pretzel sticks, and rice waffles.

Weight Loss Tip 3: Grease off - skim off excess calories

Have you fried a piece of meat, fish or even potatoes in the pan? Then you suck off excess grease with the kitchen roll. Simply lay the meat on the cloth and cover it with a second cloth, wait a minute, done. This clearly saves calories, but the taste remains. Our diet tip: If you have a coated pan, you can also fry the food completely without oil or use only very little oil.

Weight Loss Tip 4: Ice Cream - Save Calories

Especially in summer, hardly anyone can resist a delicious ice cream. You do not have to, but saddle. Instead of high-calorie milk ice, there is a light water Popsicle. That has only about 50 calories and also ensures a pleasant cooling. You can easily make your own ice water in the freezer.

Slimming Tip 5: no bulk packs

When walking through the supermarket, do not go for the extra-large packs - no matter what. Once the bag of chocolate bars, chips or even spreads are in the kitchen, it is much harder to look away or stop before a ravenous attack, before the bag is completely empty. Better: what's gone is gone.

Slimming Tip 6: Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol has a lot of calories. So if you are used to drinking a beer or a glass of wine every night, you can save many calories by not using it. If you do not want to miss out on this indulgence, share the beer with your partner now or just drink a glass of wine three times a week. These small changes will reduce your weight quickly and permanently.

Slimming Tip 7: Housework - it does not always have to be a sport

Of course, it would be best if you started doing more sports to lose a few calories. However, if you cannot do that, there is another way to increase calorie sales per day: housework. Did you know that 20 minutes of window cleaning burns 100 calories?

Weight Loss Tip 8: sleep more

Think about how much you have slept in recent times. Studies show that lack of sleep leads to additional kilos on the scale. Conversely, adequate sleep during the diet promotes fat loss. To lose weight, it should be seven hours a night again.

Dieting Tip 9: vegetarian day - healthy and low in calories

Try a vegetarian day a week. If you do not go straight to fried vegetables or fries, you will save a lot of calories. Instead of schnitzel, fish fingers or meatballs you cook yourself a fresh vegetable pan or put on a fresh salad and soups.

Weight Loss Tip 10: more protein instead of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are converted by the body very quickly and therefore travel directly to the hips. Increase the protein content (i.e. fish, meat or tofu) of each meal and eat fewer noodles, potatoes or rice.

Weight Loss Tip 11: no breading - so you save calories

Even if the crust tastes delicious. Everything in which you wrap meat, fish or vegetables before frying is extra calories. The flour batter absorbs itself with oil. You can save these calories by searing meat or fish in their natural state - ideally even by just steaming.

Slimming Tip 12: Ginger and lemon for the metabolism

Drinking a lot helps to lose weight. That is probably the most known. If ginger and/or lemon are added to the water, this will turn on a "turbo". Because both foods stimulate the metabolism and thus the calorie burning. In ginger, the active ingredient capsaicin is responsible for driving the circulation and digestion, in lemon vitamin C acts as a fat killer.

Slimming Tip 13: probiotic food for digestion

One reason for an increased feeling of hunger can be an attacked intestinal flora. It is caused by polluting fungi, germs or the intake of antibiotics. Quick remedies provide probiotic foods such as yogurt. They strengthen the intestine and counteract unnecessary hunger.

Slimming Tip 14: Smoothies - the healthy breakfast drink

Often smoothies are praised as "healthier". Whether you take them for their vitamins or not, the high percentage of fiber counteracts the feeling of hunger. If you fortify your smoothie with healthy flaxseed or chia seeds, the beverage will fill you up for a long time simply because of the high fiber content. Smoothies are a perfect alternative to a rich breakfast.

Slimming Tip 15: no finished products

Because finished products often contain hidden sugars or increased amounts of fat, you should avoid using them if you want to save calories. This not only applies to the frozen pizza, but also to the alleged light yogurt. Instead, focus on delicious and natural foods and cook fresh meals for you and your family made from vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

Slimming Tip 16: Lunchbox for your diet

Many snacks seem like a light snack in bakeries and stores. But the impression is deceptive. Only a baguette/bun with camembert has 730 calories. Therefore, take something from home with you for the lunch break.

Slimming Tip 17: Sinfully sinning - not everything is prohibited

Your diet should not only mean renouncement but also leave room for small "sins". If you sin in between, then there is the possibility to eat in small portions. A chocolate kiss or 125 milliliters of red or white wine or even two stuffed grape leaves each have 100 calories.

Weight Loss Tip 18: Salad dressing - also save calories here

Avoid ready-made sauces for the salad. These contain a lot of sugar. Instead, make your salad dressings on your own. Not only can you save calories - the result usually tastes even better. In home-made dressings you can, for example, replace the oil with yogurt and become creative with spices.

Weight Loss Tip 19: Save calories at the home theatre

For those of you who prefer salty to sweet, there's a trick: instead of opening a bag of chips in front of the TV, prepare a bowl of popcorn. Simply place the raw grains in a pan over a period of seven minutes in a frying pan and mix occasionally. Then you can lightly salt the snack. The advantage: 100 grams have about 320 calories (instead of about 550 calories for 100 grams of chips).

Slimming Tip 20: buy low-fat minced meat

If you do not want to give up meat, choose low-fat variants. Bolognese or meatball - the minced meat contained in it has a very high-fat content because of the pork portion. Even sausages are very fatty and not recommended for a diet. Instead, take the "scraped beef" from beef. That only contains six percent fat. If you just want to eat lean meat, grab a chicken breast. This contains only about two percent fat. The skin should be removed naturally.

How can you lose weight in a small amount of time?

Crash diets bring nothing - except perhaps the yo-yo effect. More effective is a change in your diet, exercise, and relaxation. In most cases, healthy weight loss is faster than you think: with low-calorie meals and daily exercise, you can lose up to a kilo of weight per week.

These are the basics. There are also some rules of the game such as reducing carbohydrates, such as noodles, potatoes, bread and rice, and omitting calorie and sugar-rich snacks. If you replace juice with water and, above all, do without carbohydrates in the evening, the body burns the excess fat more quickly.

How can you lose weight quickly with low carb?

Properly used, carbohydrates should lead to rapid weight loss. Because if no carbohydrates can be burned to produce energy from the body, the fat storage is tapped instead. Nevertheless, at least one meal of the low carb diet should also contain complex carbohydrates.

Carbs are by no means the "bad" fattening people they are often criticized for. On the contrary, they are an important source of energy and fill you up. They ensure that the brain and muscles are energized and our body "works". Lack of carbohydrates that makes for a bad mood.

But too many, especially simple carbohydrates, can definitely be the reason for superfluous kilos. Because the inclusion of bread and pasta or even fruit, biscuits and sweets drives up the insulin levels. While the carbohydrates are burned by the body for energy, the fat deposits remain untouched.
The problem with carbohydrates lies in the fact that we keep the sugar level constant through sugary snacks and sweet drinks and the fat deposits are not used for energy. Withdraw this source of energy from your body through a low-carbohydrate diet, which quickly returns to the fat deposits for energy recovery.

However, you do not have to do without pasta and bread during a low carb diet. During the low carb diet, you still eat complex carbohydrates for one or two meals. However, it is important that you do not eat anything between meals, which raises the blood sugar level. Snacks and sweet juices or teas should be removed from your diet if possible.

How fast is losing weight healthy?

With these rules, the desire for the diet passes quickly. The fact is: lose too much weight, threatens the yo-yo effect. A decrease of 0.5 kilos to one kilo per week is ideal.

If you are close to your desired weight, it may be a bit slower. If you start your diet just now, the pounds may initially tumble a little faster. With a healthy and permanent decrease, you do not have to go hungry.

Taking less than 1200 calories a day causes most people to turn their backs on the body and slow down their metabolism. The consequence is the dreaded yo-yo effect: eat normally again, regain your weight quickly - and weigh even more than before the diet just a few weeks after the diet.

Which foods help you lose weight fast?

If you want to get slim fast and achieve your desired weight, you should eat these fat killer foods as often as possible. These foods stimulate metabolism and fat burning:
  •        Chili, ginger, and cinnamon
  •          Chia and linseed
  •        Coffee and green tea
  •        Grapefruit
  •          buttermilk
  •         nuts
  •          water

How can you lose weight quickly without doing sports?

Even without membership in the gym, it is possible to get slim. Instead of doing sports three times a week, you can incorporate more exercise into your everyday life. Do exercises in the office, dance to your favorite song or take the stairs.

After lunch, you can take a short walk and short hikes by bike or on foot. Homework or relaxing yoga also help with weight loss. So it is also possible without sport in the classical sense - without movement, it will be difficult.

How can I lose weight quickly on my stomach?

Many people know the problem: Despite the desired weight there are still unloved fat pads on the stomach. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for most people to lose the fat on their stomach. A flat stomach you get there only with targeted strength training.

Strength training will tighten your skin and build muscle. These muscles consume more energy during the resting phase. If your total body fat percentage is reduced, the abdomen will eventually flatten and the abdominal muscles will appear.

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