How to Read Cholesterol Level Chart?

How to Read Cholesterol Level Chart?

There is good cholesterol HDL and LDL it bad cholesterol. According to the Mayo Clinic, is the problem of low-density lipoproteins LDL cholesterol, that if it can accumulate in excessive amounts in the blood vessel wall, resulting in slabs. These plates can cause inflammation and bleed, and eventually block blood flow, leading to coronary heart disease.

However, high-density lipoprotein HDL, the good cholesterol, helps the body to get rid of excess cholesterol in LDL. Thus, a higher level of HDL cholesterol is good, bad LDL cholesterol reduction is. Powerful and popular statins especially to lower LDL cholesterol. How to Read Cholesterol Level Chart?

Read cholesterol Level chart

High HDL is associated with the low-risk cardiovascular disease. Find your LDL cholesterol number. This is considered the bad cholesterol low-density lipoproteins.

This number is better to keep the 100 mg or dl or less. Find the number of triglycerides. This shows the amount of fat circulating in the blood.

They usually want to keep this very low number. This figure should be less than 150 mg dl or considered normal. After LDL high and low triglycerides, you can still pose a high risk of heart disease.

This is especially true if their HDL is lower than recommended. Add your numbers to your HDL and LDL. This is the number of total cholesterol that helps to determine the risk of heart disease.

Divide your total cholesterol number into HDL total and HDL cholesterol. This figure should be less than 4.5 to show a decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Cholesterol level Chart

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High cholesterol is a common problem, and to determine if treatment is necessary, the doctor will examine several numbers including your overall levels as well as levels of HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. In addition, the doctor will consider the risk of a heart attack, as well as overall health. Here is an overview of cholesterol levels.

Total cholesterol

To determine if your total cholesterol is too high, just look at your total cholesterol number. If you suffer from high cholesterol, your doctor will determine the level of HDL and LDL before deciding if you need the treatment, as well as what type would be ideal.

Guidelines in the United States

Policies in Canada


Less than 200 mg/dl

Less than 5.2 moll / l


200-239 mg / LD.

5.2-6.2 moll / L

Borderline high

240 mg / old. and higher

Greater than 6.2 moll / l


LDL cholesterol

Guidelines in the United States

Policies in Canada


Less than 70 mg / LD.

Less than 1.8 moll / L

Best for those with a very high risk of heart disease

Less than 100 mg/dl

Less than 2.6 moll / L

Best for those at risk of heart disease

100 to 129 mg / dl

2.6-3.3 moll / L

Close to perfect

130 to 159 mg / dl

3.4-4.1 moll / L

Borderline high

From 160 to 189 mg / dl

4.1 to 4.9 mol / l


190 mg / LD. and higher

Greater than 4.9 moll / l

Very high

HDL cholesterol

HDL is called "good cholesterol", so the number should be higher. The goals vary by type, but generally high levels of HDL cholesterol are better. If you are over 60 HDL, this will help to protect against heart attack. HDL is less than 40, however, it increases the risk of future heart problems. If you have a large number of HDL that can help counteract high levels of LDL.

Guidelines in the United States

Policies in Canada


Less than 40 mg / LD. (men)

Less than 50 mg/dl (women)

Less than 1 mol / L (men)

Less than 1.3 mol / L (women)


40-49 mg / dl (men)

50-59 mg / dl (women)

1 to 1.3 mol / L (men)

1.3 to 1.5 mol / L (women)
60 mg / LD. and higher

1.6 moll / l and higher



Ideally, the triglyceride level should be low.

Guidelines in the United States

Policies in Canada


Less than 150 mg/dl

Less than 1.7 moll / L


150-199 mg / LD.

1.7 to 2.2 mol / L

Borderline high

200 to 499 mg / dl

2.3-5.6 moll / L


500 mg / LD. and higher

Greater than 5.6 moll / l

Very high


Please note that the guidelines for Canada and Europe are slightly different from those of United States conversions in the tables based on United States guidelines.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the optimal level of triglycerides is 100 mg / LD. or less (the 1.3 mol / L). They believe that this level is for improving your heart health, but we do not recommend the use of drugs to reach this level. Instead, they recommend lifestyle changes, including physical activity, weight loss, and diet.

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