10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

Here are in this article, 10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works.
10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

1. Stick to the 80/20 Rule to Lose Body Fat

2. Stay Away From the Bread Basket in the Restaurant

3. Get up as often as Possible While Working

4. Vary Your Workout

5. To Lose Body Fat, Let it be Nibbling

6. Never Let your Breakfast Go Down

7. Attack on Spices

8. Decide on Organic Quality to Lose Body Fat

9. Short Workouts are better than no Sports

10. Smile as often as Possible!

            10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat that Really Works

1. Stick to the 80/20 Rule to Lose Body Fat

If there are only lettuce leaves and protein shakes on your diet plan, this is the completely wrong way to dream! The body gets used to hunger and no longer burns fat because it saves reserves for bad times. Therefore, you should eat healthy to 80 percent and feast to 20 percent to your heart's content. A veggie pizza, a burger with sweet potato chips or a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream are absolutely ok! Numerous fitness stars do the same. Under the hashtag #cheat day, you will find more than two million culinary inspiration.

2. Stay Away from the Bread Basket in the Restaurant

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

Fresh, crispy white bread with olive oil or butter tastes delicious - unfortunately torpedoed this little "appetizer" your entire diet plans, because such a slice beats with up to 100 calories to book. So even if you're hungry for a bear: leave the bread and wait for your entree to eat!

3. Get up as often as Possible While Working

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

Long sitting ensures an increased accumulation of bacon, especially in women. Therefore, it is important that you get up as often as possible during your working hours, walk around and if possible even do some standing up while standing up.

4. Vary your Workout

Just jogging on the treadmill or stepping on the stepper is not only boring for you, but also for your body. He gets used to the burden and does not go to the fat reserves, although you start to sweat. Fitness experts, therefore, recommend a varied workout, which includes not only cardio units but also muscle building and relaxing sports such as stretching, yoga or back exercises.

5. To Lose Body Fat, Let it be Nibbling

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

You need a snack both in the morning and in the afternoon? Then you should make sure that this snack does not contain more than 100 calories. Star coach David Kirsch, who ea. Heidi Klum, recommends e.g. a low-fat latte from Starbucks (yes, even a coffee count as a snack!), a small banana with almond butter, ½ cup salted edamame, 2 cups low-fat popcorn or a tablespoon of unsalted almonds.

6. Never Let your Breakfast Go Down

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

You're not that morning guy and you're fine with just a cup of coffee or tea by noon? You should change this habit quickly because if you fail your breakfast, you prevent your metabolism - and thus the fat loss - gets going. Oatmeal porridge with berries or fruit or a spelled bun with lean cheese or cold cuts are perfect - at least one hour after you got up! 300 to 400 calories are ideal for breakfast.

7. Attack on Spices

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

Hot spices such as chili, curry, but also ginger and garlic stimulate the metabolism and thus promote fat loss. The sharper, the better! In general, you should spice up your meal as often as possible with fresh herbs, such as cilantro, parsley or chives. For this, you need less salt, which can cause water retention in the tissue.

8. Decide on Organic Quality to Lose Body Fat

This is not only true for meat but especially for fruits and vegetables! A study from Canada shows a connection between persistent fat deposits and deposits of pesticides in the fat cells. According to the scientists, organochlorine compounds can massively affect the metabolism.

9. Short Workouts are better than no Sports

Do you believe that a less than one hour visit to the gym is not worth it and therefore stay on the couch? Not correct! The key to fat reduction is regular exercise. This is especially true if you have an office job. Just 30 minutes of exercise daily. Even a 10-minute walk to work you can already book as a mini-workout.

10. Smile as often as Possible!

10 Tricks to Lose Body Fat That Really Works

Laughing for 10 minutes consumes 50 calories, reports NBC.

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