10 Health Benefits of Walking

We all know that regular exercise brings many health benefits. But what positive influence does walking have on your health and well-being? Do you get more than just a lot of calories burned? And is walking not bad for the joints and straining the heart? In this article in this article, what are the reason for 10 Health Benefits of Walking?

10 Health Benefits of Walking

           10 Health Benefits of Walking

1. Better Athletic Performance

As you walk, your whole body is flooded with oxygen. So, when you walk a lot, your body learns how to transport oxygen into your muscles and get the most out of your performance. This gives you more energy and improves your athletic performance. In addition, you will get agiler over time by running. Running thus paves the way for you to real athleticism.

2. Anti-Stress Effect

Running is the perfect way to think - or to distract you from the problems and stress of everyday life. You turn off your busy schedules and stimulate your creativity with the extra dose of oxygen in the blood. This is wonderful for solving problems and developing new ideas.

 As if that were not enough, running over time also reduces the risk of high blood pressure. These are further benefits for the body and mind.

3. Lose Weight

Running burns calories. Interval training burns even more calories, even after training. That's why Frenetic Running relies on interval workouts. If you choose to "lose weight" in your running coach, he'll put together a workout plan with the perfect combination of different interval workouts for fast and effective fat burning - just the thing to lose weight and keep your weight off in the long run.

4. Better Sleep

Regular walks in the fresh air can improve the quality of your sleep - with running you can achieve much more. If you walk regularly, the transitions from one sleep phase to the next are softened, and the quality of your sleep improves. You feel fresher and more rested in the morning. But keep in mind that there should be at least four hours between training and bedtime.

5. Stronger Bones and Joints

According to research, two 15-minute running sessions per week are enough to reduce the risk of osteoporosis by 40%. Contrary to popular belief, running also strengthens your knees. Due to the increased oxygen flow and the reduction of endogenous toxins, running protects your cartilage tissue. In addition, your ligaments and tendons will be strengthened - and hopefully, we have dispelled all doubts.

6. More Happiness Hormones

No matter how bad your day was, after a run, you will always feel better. This is even scientifically proven because when running endorphins and serotonin are released into your body. This triggers happiness and helps feelings of anxiety. Thanks to the hormones that are produced while walking in the brain, you can even successfully fight depression. And who is not happy with himself when he has cracked his last PB? That's why in the Frenetic Running app, you can compare all runs directly, giving you a better view of your progress. Just look at your history when you're demotivated and you'll feel better.

7. Forever Young

People who walk regularly generally have a longer life expectancy - and stay young longer. Research shows that as little as thirty minutes a week is enough to reduce biological age by as much as nine years. And that's not all: as running stimulates the blood circulation and increases the oxygen intake, the skin is tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, regular running can prevent mental decline in old age by actively challenging your brain.

8. Healthier Heart, Better Digestion

According to research, regular running training reduces the risk of heart disease by almost half - just one hour a week. The faster you walk, the more your heart has to work to get the blood flowing at the speed it needs, and your heart will get stronger and stronger. Running also stimulates the metabolism and accelerates digestion. In addition, running strengthens lung function - all pluses for your health.

9. Stronger Immune System

Running training not only makes you stronger physically and mentally, it also strengthens your immune system. If you run around 30 km a week, it will have a positive effect on your body's defenses. On the other hand, if you run more than 90 km a week, it will be negative. Very intense running training means that your immune system is a bit weaker in a short time frame directly after training than usual, so it is so important to eat properly after training and to allow sufficient sleep and recovery time. For this reason, weeks of lower intensity weeks are planned in the training plans of the Frenetic Running Coach after very intensive weeks. When you pay attention to your diet and sufficient recovery, there is no danger of harming your health, no matter how intense your training is.

10. More Self-Confidence

This is perhaps one of the key reasons why people who have once discovered walking can stick to it. That sense of accomplishing your goals and accomplishing more than you ever imagined. Better performance, better skin, a more upright posture, less body fat and defined muscles. The feeling of progressing and having control over your body and life gives you so much self-confidence - and rightly so.

These are just a few of the many health benefits of running. Studies show that regular running training contributes to healthy optimism and reduces the risk of various cancers and diseases such as Alzheimer's. Overall, running can increase your quality of life - both physically and mentally. So there are no more excuses - everyone can and should walk. With us, you are in good hands and with the Running Coach, you will see success in no time. If you have not already, then it's time to start walking and see how much better you will feel.

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