Sagging Skin After Losing Weight-What to Do?

 In order to make the Sagging Skin After Losing Weight and attractive again, a sufficient supply of moisture is particularly important, from the inside as well as from the outside. Drink at least two litters of water a day and regularly moisturize your skin
Sagging Skin After Losing Weight

A well-formed body and tight skin require some effort and long-term self-discipline, so this is not so easy to achieve. But the result is worth the effort.

Sagging skin occurs especially when significant weight loss has occurred in a short time. The fat that filled the muscles and skin has disappeared, and the connective tissue, with its collagen and elastin fibers, has to adapt to the new shape.

Especially very restrictive diets, whose goal is to lose superfluous pounds within a short time, leave the skin barely time to slowly regress.

Therefore, nutritional experts advise that weight loss should be more long-term and that balanced, healthy eating be combined with a routine physical activity. When losing weight in this way, it is also much less likely to experience a yo-yo effect.

But if it is already too late and the sagging skin spoils the joy of weight loss, then there are still ways to tighten the skin again.

1- Change the Diet

Sagging Skin After Losing Weight

There is no better recommendation to combat sagging skin and prevent repeated weight changes.
Those who do not eat healthily cannot compensate for this deficiency with a variety of other weight-loss measures. The body needs certain nutrients to perform all its functions. At the same time, care must be taken to remove from the diet foods that cause further fat accumulation.

Consuming healthy, low-fat and low-sugar foods helps keep the body healthy and the skin taut.

2-Targeted Exercises

Anyone who loses weight in a short time quickly realizes that here and there flabby skin becomes visible. Particularly affected are the stomach, buttocks, arms, and legs.

In order to do something effectively, targeted exercises should be carried out and work with the affected region.

  •  Belly: The classic sit-ups have their right to exist. But other sports exercises can be performed to achieve a flat stomach.
  •  Legs and Butt: They belong together and are usually also trained in the exercises at the same time.
  •  Poor: Exercises with dumbbells are best, but other movements that require strength in the arms help fight sagging skin.
  • Neck and face: The muscles of these body regions can and should be claimed. Facial gymnastics is the right keyword.

3-General Exercises

Sagging Skin After Losing Weight

In order to maintain a healthy weight and at the same time do something for sagging skin, we recommend, in addition to the targeted exercises, every day for half an hour, in which the entire body is moved. This can be for a walk while jogging - the dog is happy when he is allowed to - with, while cycling or in any other sport that you enjoy.

Any physical activity stimulates the circulation and stimulates the metabolism. This will prevent fat from accumulating where it was burned with so much effort.

4-Avoid UV Radiation

Both the sun and the tanning beds in the solarium weaken the skin because they expose you to harmful UV radiation. The skin loses elasticity and the collagen fibers lose stability.

If possible, appropriate habits should be discarded. If you are in the sun, you can protect your skin with sunscreen, clothing and a hat.

5-Drink More Water

Sagging Skin After Losing Weight

Drink enough water every day, because there is no better way to moisturize your skin and increase its elasticity. She is then much easier able to adapt to the changes associated with losing weight.

Women are advised to drink at least two litters of water daily. Men should drink even more water, up to three litters.

6-Supply your Skin with Moisture

The daily use of moisturizers is also a great help to fight sagging skin and give it a more beautiful look.

Especially products containing coenzyme Q10, collagen, retinol or elastin are recommended. They help to tighten the skin and at the same time prevent the formation of wrinkles.

7-Eat More Proteins

Sagging Skin After Losing Weight

Foods that are rich in protein and those that contain healthy carbohydrates increase the body's capacity. They provide energy for the sport, which does the whole body well.

Especially recommended are:

Fat fish






8-Conduct Scrubs Regularly

An exfoliate is primarily used to remove dead cells and debris from the skin. This improves the appearance of the skin and prevents the formation of spots.

In addition, during an exfoliation, the circulation of the skin is stimulated, which facilitates their supply of nutrients. This effect also helps to get nice, firm skin.

 What we recommend:

Mix some coarse salt with two tablespoons of coconut oil and use it as a scrub. Apply it in circular massages on the affected areas.

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