Can Help Losing Weight with Yoga?

 Diets are often about restriction and abandonment. Yoga, on the other hand, focuses on a positive life experience. What sounds more attractive to you personally? Here are some thoughts on how slim yoga works on the emotional level, and how you can build a more conscious relationship with yourself and your diet, just by turning your focus inward and identifying your triggers that lead to overeating. Can help losing Weight with Yoga? Of course!

 Can help losing Weight with Yoga?

It may surprise you to learn that losing weight is not quite the purpose of Yoga. Yoga is certainly a means to that end, but not exactly in the way you would expect. Yoga helps you to maintain a leaner, smoother body, not by emphasizing restricted food intake and muscle building, but by adopting a mental attitude that paves the way for a long-term change. Yoga creates physical and mental balance in a natural, gradual, lasting and organic way. Typical weight loss practices are directed against the symptom (excess fat) but ignore the cause, which is essentially caused or manifested by an imbalance that includes mostly emotional issues, bad habits, and unhealthy diet. Regular yoga exercises will change your body, improve your health and metabolism, and restore your calm and self-discipline.

The first reason why you should opt for yoga is simple: 

Diets at least those diets that most people do - just do not work. Diets are usually defined in our society as diet deprivation diets that lead to a temporary slimming. In fact, the word "diet" in its derivation means "way of life" - and that's how you should think about your "diet". 

You cannot just separate your food handling from your relationship with the rest of the world. If you're starving or cheating to death or dishonest with yourself about food, chances are you'll do it elsewhere. If, on the other hand, you have an exciting, caring and enthusiastically healthy way of dealing with food, this spiritual openness and generosity will enrich your remaining life.

We all know the formula for losing weight: burning more calories than you consume. If it's that easy, why are 60 percent of people overweight? The reason is that even though gaining weight has something to do with how much and what we eat, it's often more about why we eat, which varies from person to person.

If you eat to compensate for grief, diets will not really help you deal with your sadness. If you snack something to calm your nerves, those extra calories will not help to relieve the stress. If you choose the wrong foods because of a biochemical imbalance, an appetite suppressant will not recalibrate your organism. If you indulge in bad habits with the excuse that your work is so challenging and you just do not have time for a more balanced lifestyle, a low-fat frozen meal will not help to take real responsibility for your health and well-being.

Many bad habits have emotional causes;

Their catalyst can be a single act of self-neglect that, in the worst case, evolves into a complete physical breakdown. By learning to turn your focus inward through yoga, you work on the emotional level, which puts you in touch with your feelings to strengthen a nurturing relationship with yourself. By increasing the perception of one's own body and the way you move through life, yoga can help you to see how and why you are not paying more attention to yourself. Yoga can help you identify your triggers that lead to overeating and determine if they are chemical, habitual, or emotional in nature.

Yoga also works on the biological level to compensate for the reactions that are set in motion when you eat unhealthy foods or foods that are suitable for others, but not for you. These foods cause hormonal reactions that can not only lead to overweight and illness, but also to depression, a well-known trigger for binge eating. In turn, eating "wrong" foods triggers a response that often simultaneously increases cravings for these foods, thereby exacerbating depression.

By carefully observing the relationship between your body and your feelings for food,

You can find the keys to maintaining your balance - both emotionally and biologically. This is something you simply cannot achieve through most diets. Already in ancient times, yoga was practiced by many people; because of the many health benefits and insight into a deeper meaning of life. Yoga has changed over the centuries, but the exercises still exist today as one of the world's most respected traditions. Although there are many factors why yoga is so popular; one of the main reasons, however, is the fact that the exercises lead to a natural and effective weight loss. The increasing obsession of society with having a slimmer, thinner and fitter body is a well-known fact. In such a scenario, the possibility of losing weight through yoga has contributed to both this obsession and the popularity of yoga. Gone are the days when yoga was specifically for the peace of the spirit or alone for the achievement of spiritual atonement. Nowadays, the art and skill of yoga are used in a fairly practical way - for a healthier body and a more balanced life.

The number of yoga classes available to help eliminate stress, 

Overweight, fatigue and physical ailments are steadily increasing. But science has also confirmed yoga as a way to a successful weight loss: yoga is thus commonly recognized as an effective medium to reduce stress and weight and strengthen the immune system. The techniques of yoga do not immediately make you sweat and literally gasp, but slowly target the entire body mechanism. The gradual and gentle method works through the body and improves the respiratory system, strengthens the muscles and contributes to the firming of the body.

Thus, Yoga is a worldwide weight loss platform that is open to virtually everyone. 

The yoga exercises focus on the breathing and stretching of various body parts. Step by step, the weak points are removed and the physical defenses are strengthened. Yoga stimulates the metabolism of the body, improves the well-being and also serves the mental health. In short, the increased metabolism leads to increased burning of calories. In fact, yoga stimulates the thyroid gland, which releases more chemicals into our body that help convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. This increase in enzyme release primarily stimulates the metabolism of the body and is thus an important component of a balanced life. Meditation, the main tool of yoga, leads to the same thing. Meditation, too, focuses on the breathing technique and increases the circulation of the body so that the oxygen supply is increased and more calories are burned.

 Can help losing Weight with Yoga?

Although daily yoga exercises are essential for weight loss;

however, one must also remember to proceed slowly step by step. Results will not be visible within a few days, you need patience and diligence. The beauty of yoga is that you do not have to do the exercises all by yourself at home. There are numerous courses, workshops, and therapies where you can practice slim yoga together with many other people. This is motivating and fun! Then it is easier to change your eating habits and switch to a healthy diet, which further accelerates the process of weight loss.

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