How much can you Weight Loss in a Week?

How much can you Weight Loss in a Week

 1 kg, 2 kg or even 3 kg? Many people would like to lose a lot of weight in a short time. But how much can you weight Loss in a week?

There are many myths surrounding the subject of weight loss: Not a few people want to lose weight as quickly and effectively as possible and are therefore looking for the right method for them. A very common question is how much weight you can lose in one week. Of course, this cannot be answered in a lump sum because there are many factors that are responsible for this. It is important to always lose weight in a healthy way if you want to keep the new figure then permanently.

 Weight Loss in a Week

   How much can you Weight Loss in a Week?

Weight Loss in a Week - How much is Possible?

As we leaf through magazines, we often see flash diet advertising that can lose several kilos per week. That sounds tempting, but it's not really realistic. One thing is certain, that one weight Loss fasts if one hardly eats - this one often does not even do sports. Depending on the initial weight, this can even be several kilos. However, what is supposed to tumble from the hips, is not fat, but much more muscle mass, glycogen, and water. As soon as you start eating normally again, you can quickly recover the lost kilos.

For this, it is important to deal with the facts that affect the functioning of our body: One kilo of body fat contains about 7,000 calories. An adult who moves normally in everyday life consumes about 2,000 calories per day - that's 14,000 calories a week. In theory, you could lose two kilos of fat a week.

In practice, however, this looks different: Body fat can be almost only used when the body burns additional energy. Because even the brain and other organs are dependent on energy, such as carbohydrates or glucose. If you take too little of it, the body first degrades the carbohydrates present in the body - usually, these are stored in the form of glucose. Although it can be achieved a weight loss effect, usually it is only about water and not the unloved fat.

Permanently to the Beautiful Figure by Building Muscle Instead of Degradation

When the body's own glycogen stores are emptied, the body begins to break down proteins from the muscles - so you lose muscle mass. However, this is essential for weight loss because the more muscle mass the body has, the higher the calorie or fat consumption when moving. Even when at rest, sitting on an office chair, for example, muscles burn calories. So do not let the body degrade it by barely feeding it, but fortify it with endurance and strength training.

It is clear that a radical decline is usually crowned with only short success. Muscle loss due to poor nutrition, although the pointer on the scale sinks slightly, this is anything but conducive to a permanent decrease. The body is weakened and the energy consumption is reduced. Not to mention, moreover, that you feel cravings for an empty glycogen storage in the body quickly - and this can have fatal consequences.

The Weight Loss Can also be Calculated

Promises of miracle diets made in magazines and other media are unsustainable because the speed with which you actually weight Loss depends primarily on how much energy you consume and how much you consume. Ultimately, energy balance is the most important factor influencing body weight - and also deciding whether to weight Loss, gain weight or maintain weight.

The better or more negative the energy balance is, the more conducive this will be for the decrease. This means that if you do more exercise, you can put more calories on your energy account - and you can either "spice it up" with an extra feast without a guilty conscience or use it for the energy balance - in other words, to promote the decrease.

Meanwhile, there are numerous computers on the Internet, where you have the opportunity to enter some personal information, then to calculate how fast you could weight Loss with a negative energy balance or how long it takes to achieve the desired weight. Factors that play a role include current weight, gender, and height. In this way, it is easier to keep track because you know exactly how much you can eat - and thus the desired figure can come a bit closer.

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