How to Increase Your Muscle Power - Best Course

Are you dissatisfied with your training performance or are you not making any progress in gaining strength? You will not be alone with that, almost every bodybuilder will come to the point in the course of his training time, where a performance gain seems impossible. In the following article, I put together tips for you with which you can regain strength. The tips are divided into the three most important factors for How to increase your muscle power.

How to Increase your Muscle Power

How to Increase your Muscle Power


So that you have enough strength in training, you should also have the right food. Take a light, high carbohydrate meal about two hours before training.

This can consist of a cereal in which 1-2 bananas are cut in or even 1-2 energy bars. Even after exercise, a carbohydrate source such as a malt beer optimal, as it contains rapidly usable carbohydrates from glucose, which are used especially at this time for replenishing the glycogen storage of muscle cells.

Certain supplements can help increase your body strength. Personally, I have the best experience with creatine carbohydrate powders and special cell volume minimizers, of which creatine is a major component (at least as far as the active ingredients are concerned). The power-enhancing effect of creatine has already been sufficiently proven in many studies. From my own experience, I can confirm that the power gain I had at the first ingestion of the cell volumizer I bought back then was dramatic. I made almost 10 repetitions on the bench press with the same training weight as the last workout. Creatine is therefore for me the best natural means to increase the strength, especially the strength endurance.


A good way to confuse one's muscles

the weight of the exercise is easier, e.g. when benching after warming up, first hang 20 kilos more than usual and then just lift this weight out of the holder. Of course, you do not do a repetition because it is actually too hard. But as a result of the fact that you have initially held a heavier weight just above you, then the actual training set with the lighter weight should also be much easier for you, or you would find this weight easier.

In order to increase the power, you can also occasionally go down to only 2-4 repetitions. While you will not gain much muscle mass in this rep range, another area is more appropriate. In this very low repetition, but especially power gains can be achieved. Exercise with these very heavyweights, which are possible with only 2-4 repetitions, but very carefully and if there are free exercises do not give up on a weight-lifting belt and a training partner.

If you realize that you have been stuck in an exercise for a few weeks, you should instead use another exercise in the program. A workout plan is only as good as it works. In the normal flat bench press, as an alternative, you can perform the incline bench press.

The change in the angle of inclination of the bank makes the exercise appear completely different again and also affects the muscles differently. If you then return to normal bench press after a few weeks or months, this exercise should enable you to stimulate growth and gain strength again.


Sleep well and give your muscles a rest after training and do not do any other sports. If you get sore after a workout, you should also rest until the hangover is gone. If you have sore muscles in the biceps, a back training the next day is not suitable because of them.

Biceps muscles are also heavily loaded there. If you build your training after the push & pull system, you can avoid this problem. After this system, you train, for example, On one day, all the muscles that are pulled in pulling movements like the back and biceps and on another day you train the muscles that are loaded in pressing movements such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The legs are usually trained in this system on a separate day since they are not burdened with the upper body workout anyway and also the leg workout is considered particularly intense, especially if basic exercises such as squats and leg presses are on the plan.

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