April 27, 2018

What is a Brain Tumor?: Causes, Symptoms,Classification

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What is a Brain Tumor?

This Article, What is a Brain Tumor? New growths of the brain and the surrounding meninges (meninges) are called Brain tumor. These may be benign or malignant and are also referred to as brain or primary brain tumors.

Brain metastases can also occur in the brain. These are secondary tumors of cancers that originate outside the brain (for example, breast or lung cancer). They are therefore not among the primary brain tumors but are called secondary brain tumors.

With about ten new cases per 100,000 inhabitants annually, brain tumors are among the rarer tumors. They occur preferably between the ages of 40 and 75 years. In childhood, malignant neoplasms of the brain are the second most common cancer after leukemia (blood cancer).

Different Areas of the Brain for Different Tasks

The interplay of different brain centers allows memory, learning, sensory and motor skills. Functionally, the brain is divided into three important areas: the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.

The cerebrum is the largest part of our brain. Here the mental work including movement, language, and eyesight is coordinated.

The cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain. His main tasks are the coordination of the conscious muscle functions, the control of the balance in walking and the coordination of the language.

The brain stem contains vital centers for the regulation of the so-called vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat and body temperature.

Brain Tumors Come From Different Cell Types

The classification of brain tumors is based on developmental aspects or on the cell type from which they emerge. The brain contains tumors that can arise from the following tissues:

Nervous tissue (gliomas: the most common brain tumors, including astrocytoma, glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma, medulloblastoma, and ependymoma).

The Meninges (Meningiomas)

The Non-Developed Embryonic Tissue (Germ Cell Tumors)

The Hormone-Producing Pituitary Gland

Other malignant Tumors in the Body, For Example, Breast Tumors (Metastases)

Classification of Brain Tumors

The brain tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign brain tumors grow slowly and in most cases remain well differentiated from adjacent, healthy brain tissue. Malignant brain tumors often grow larger rapidly, forming metastases and growing destructively into the surrounding tissue (so-called infiltrative growth).

The malignancy of the tumors is divided into different degrees. The most widespread classification of brain tumors is that of the World Health Organization (WHO classification). It provides for four different tumor grades. The subdivision is based on the type of cell from which the brain tumor has developed. In the so-called neuropathological examination, the cells of a tissue sample from the tumor are examined closely in order to be able to classify the brain tumor diagnostically.

The WHO Grading of Brain Tumors is:

 WHO Grade I (Benign)

WHO Grade II (Still Benign)

WHO Grade III (Already Malignant)

WHO Grade IV (Vicious)

WHO grade I correspond to a slow-growing, very benign tumor with a favorable prognosis, while WHO grade IV is a fast-growing, particularly malignant tumor with an unfavorable prognosis.

This distinction is important with regard to the therapy to be initiated, the course to be expected and the success of the treatment.

Which are the Most Common Tumors?

With about 50 percent of all brain tumor primary tumors, gliomas are the most common brain tumors. Gliomas can be subdivided into different subgroups. Astrocytomas are the most common glioma and can occur in all four WHO grades. They occur a little more often in men and develop within a few weeks to months. Glioblastoma (Glioblastoma multiforme - WHO grade IV) is a particularly malignant form of glioma.

Medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumor at the age of seven to 14 years, accounting for 20%. Somewhat more often, boys are affected. Vomiting in the morning, severe headaches, and disturbances of the coordination (for example, gait uncertainties) can be first indications. Although medulloblastoma is one of the most malignant tumors, its healing prospects are relatively good. An attempt is made to completely remove the tumor surgically. This is followed by radiation of the head and, if necessary, chemotherapy.

Meningiomas develop from cells of the brain membranes. They account for about 20 percent of all tumors inside the skull; Most affected are middle-aged and older adults and more women than men. Meningiomas grow slowly. Therefore, they often remain undetected for a long time or are only found by chance. In 85 percent of cases, meningiomas are classified as benign tumors in WHO grade I. They can be cured by surgical removal.

However, about ten percent of meningiomas are so-called atypical meningiomas (WHO grade II), which are growing and have a tendency to return after treatment (recurrence). But even for these meningiomas, a favorable prognosis is generally valid. Malignant meningiomas with WHO grade III is only seen in about five percent of those affected. They usually require additional radiation.

What are the Causes of a Brain Tumor?

The exact cause for the development of brain tumors is unclear. However, a number of factors such as cancer-causing viruses and substances (oncogenes) or a hereditary (genetic) bias may possibly benefit them.

What are the Symptoms of a Brain Tumor?

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

The first signs of a brain Tumor can be manifold. Possible are:

Seizures (epileptic seizures): the most important early symptom. If seizures occur for the first time between the ages of 25 and 60, brain tumors are the most common cause.

Headaches that worsen when bending, straightening or pressing

Behavioral and essential changes such as irritability, forgetfulness, listlessness and uncontrolled tantrums

Later, depending on the area of the brain in which the tumor grows, the following symptoms may occur:

Speech and Smell Disorders

Nausea and Vomiting

Visual Disturbances such as Blurred Vision, Defaults in the Field of Vision


Paralysis and Difficulty in Coordinating Movements

On the one hand, the symptoms are caused by the displacement of the intact brain tissue by the growing tumor and, on the other hand, by the destruction of the tissue in and around the tumor. Some tumors grow quickly and symptoms appear after days or weeks. Others grow over years and are barely noticeable.

How is a Brain Tumor Detected?

After a conversation with the doctor, a physical and intensive neurological examination is carried out. The doctor checks, among other things, reflexes, balance, muscle strength and sense of touch.

Further Investigations which are carried out are:

Electroencephalogram (EEG, Measurement of Brainwaves)

X-rays of the Head

Computed Tomography of the Head (CT) and/or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI, NMR)
Optionally, a tissue sample (biopsy) from the tumor through a small hole drilled in the skull under local anesthesia (stereotactic biopsy) to determine the tumor type

Laboratory Examination of Cerebral Water (CSF)

Also, the examination of the ocular fundus (ophthalmoscopy) is a common diagnostic method in suspected brain tumor and can provide information about a possible brain tumor.

What Treatment Options are there?

The treatment of a brain tumor depends on its nature and its malignancy. The goal of therapy is to cure the patient or, if that is not possible, at least to reduce the size of the tumor and alleviate symptoms.

The Following Therapy Options are available:

The Operation 

Typically, the tumor is removed through an opening of the skull while the patient is anesthetized. Lately, the so-called endoscopic operations are on the rise, the skull does not have to be opened, but only operated through a small hole.

The operation also carries risks. Blood vessels, nerves, and brain substance can be damaged. On the other hand, surgery can be life-saving if the brain no longer has enough space through the tumor. In some cases, the tumor is so unfavorable that its surgical removal is not possible.

The Radiotherapy

In non-operable tumors, but also in combination with surgery, the tumor cells can be destroyed by X-rays. Healthy cells, on the other hand, recover faster because of better repair mechanisms. However, as the healthy tissue is affected, it can cause side effects such as tiredness, vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membranes and headache. But medications can relieve these symptoms.

A combination of surgery and radiation is also possible. Benefits include a short treatment time and relatively few side effects.


In this form of high-precision radiotherapy, the patient's head is fixed by a helmet, whose small openings direct a very high dose of radiation to the target to destroy the tumor. Experts call this "stereotactic one-time radiation". More than 200 individual Telecobalt sources produce a radiation beam with the smallest diameter. The bundles cross at one point. Bundling can be achieved through the special helmet mentioned.

The biological effect of the high single dose used to irradiate the tumor in this method of treatment is much greater than with conventional radiotherapy, which is distributed over many small single doses. Thus, with the "radiometer", benign and malignant tumors in the head can usually be removed on an outpatient basis with a single irradiation, even with multiple metastases.

Lengthy rehabilitation measures and associated work breaks are not necessary with this form of therapy.


In chemotherapy, prescribed drugs are used to kill the malignant tumor cells, while the healthy cells in the body get away relatively unscathed. For example, according to one scheme, the drug is taken for four days and then paused for two weeks. This process can then be performed three times and more frequently.

Most chemotherapeutic agents used in brain tumor therapy directly damage the genetic material (DNA) of tumor cells. Examples are nitrosoureas (ACNU (Nimustin), BCNU (carmustine) and CCNU (lomustine)), temozolomide and procarbazine.

Other substances have a disruptive effect on the metabolism of the tumor cells, especially on the metabolic processes that are important for the formation of new genetic information (DNA). Examples include methotrexate (MTX) and cytarabine (Ara-c).

Side effects include an increased risk of infection and bleeding, nausea, vomiting and general fatigue and hair loss.

Further Treatment Measures

The tumor, as well as the treatment, can lead to cerebral edema (accumulation of water in the brain tissue). This is improved by the administration of cortisone. Very effective painkillers help against pain.

Pastoral care for Patients and Their Relatives

It is important that the patient is accompanied and supported by relatives and friends on his path of illness and treatment. Brain tumors are treatable diseases. In many cases, effective help is possible and often a cure. The prognosis of some brain tumors is still very bad. Self-help groups, psychologists, and pastors can assist the patients and their relatives.
April 25, 2018

Lose Weight With Water: Does it Really Work?

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Lose Weight With Water

Yes, Lose Weight With Water actually works. Several studies have shown that, for example, 1/2 liter of water on an empty stomach boosts energy expenditure by as much as 24 - 30 percent - for 30 to 60 minutes! Experts have been arguing about this for years - presumably, your body is simply using more energy to heat the water by three to four degrees. No wonder that the cooler the water is, the higher the effect. But that's not all, why you help water lose weight:

1. Water Saturates Without any Calories

Water is the only natural food that is completely calorie free. Means: You can strike here without end, your calorie account remains untouched. By the way, it fills your stomach and takes a place that you would otherwise possibly fill with junk food and Co.

In addition, thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. The result: you eat and eat, but you have the feeling that you are simply not getting enough. No wonder - you also lack liquid and no food! If you drink enough, it can not happen to you and you will save your calories. By the way, not just a few: If you replace just one glass of orange juice (about 100 calories) with water every day, you save 36,500 calories per year - that's over five kilos of fat!

2. Water Pushes the Metabolism and Ensures a Smooth Flow

Did you know that you are almost made of water? To be precise: On average, 65 - 70 percent of the human body is composed of water! No wonder your metabolism is impossible without water. Or the other way round: water pushes your metabolism and guarantees that all metabolic processes run smoothly. It also transports nutrients absorbed through food to where it is needed. As a result, your body regenerates faster and you have the power to blast calories in the next workout, on the other hand, it provides him building material for new gains. And as you know, the more muscle, the higher the basal metabolic rate! So, losing weight with water also works in an indirect way.

3. Water Prevents Food Cravings

We already have: The calorie-free liquid expands your stomach and thus ensures a feeling of fullness. Sure, that hunger flashes is prevented with it once.

Water Prevents Food Cravings

Another key advantage of water as thirsty: unlike soft drinks, juices and Co. it contains no sugar and no (simple) carbohydrates, so it does not affect your insulin levels. Means: no roller coaster of blood sugar levels, no sudden food cravings. Win-win situation!

Fat Off: How Much Water Do You Need to Drink to Lose Weight?

Sure, if you throw down a glass of water once a day, it will hardly take you to the dream body. But even the generally recommended 1.5 to 2 liters a day you should drink to stay healthy and fit is not enough to really lose weight but should be a minimum for you. Experts now even recommend 3 to 4 liters per day, especially if you are active in sports or you move a lot in everyday life.

Tips to Drink More Water

3 to 4 liters of water sound utopian for you? No problem, with these tips you manage to drink enough:

Tips to Drink More Water

  • Drinks a large glass of water on an empty stomach immediately after getting up. This not only compensates for the fluid deficit of the night but also fills your stomach and has been shown to reduce calories at breakfast. Losing weight with water? Run with you!
  • That's why you should drink a large glass of water before each meal. But even during meals, it says water march.
  • Do not wait for a feeling of thirst (which you may misinterpret as hunger!), But try to take at least a sip of water every half hour during the day. Because if you are really thirsty, it is actually already too late and your body has a lack of fluids.
  • It's best to put a big bottle of water in your workplace and plan to empty it twice: once until noon, once until evening.
  • Sure, who drives Sprot, sweats and loses more water than Couch potatoes. As an athlete, you should not drink only during the workout, but just as before and especially afterward. When exercising: do not drink too cold water, which burdens the stomach unnecessarily. 15 degrees are ideal.

Lose weight with water: Can You Drink Too Much Water?

Even though it is almost impossible to drink too much as an average, healthy recreational athlete in practice, overly crass drinking can actually be fatal. Background: When you pour in gallons of water, you lower the concentration of salt in your body. Then there is not enough sodium left in your body, which causes your cells to absorb more and more water. This hinders the blood circulation and can be fatal. As I said, that is really the most blatant case. Before, headache, nausea, stomach ache and general malaise occur. And even for that, you have to move in the double-digit range, as far as your drinking volume in liters. So, do not panic: you drink rather less than too much!

Conclusion: Losing Weight with Water

So, losing weight with water can really work, provided you drink (permanently!) Well enough throughout the day.

Losing Weight with Water

Adequate in this case is an individual matter because your fluid needs depend on many factors such as diet, body weight and size or level of activity. As a rule of thumb, but you can remember that it should be at least 1.5 to 2 liters, better 3 to 4 liters. Then water can complement your diet, because it stimulates the metabolism, fills the stomach completely calorie-free and dampens your appetite.

Ultimately, however, as always, whether you lose or lose depends on your calorie balance at the end of the day.

Have you had any experience with losing weight with water? Write to me in the comments, I'm curious!

April 24, 2018

Health Benefits of Kimchi

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Health Benefits of Kimchi

Ever tried Korea popular and delicious figurehead - kimchi? Were you aware of how healthy and edible is this dish? Did you know it to fight cancer and prevent disease? If you do not, then this post is a must for you! The various benefits of kimchi have been described in this article. Keep reading to learn more! Here are Health Benefits of Kimchi.

What is kimchi?

Kimchi originated in Korea as "shimchae" during the 7thCentury. It means salinizing vegetables and uses red peppers as one of the basic ingredients. The recipe for making kimchi has not changed over the years. It is still a popular storage method and is often used to secure food. Kimchi is low in fat and sugar and very rich in vitamins, iron, calcium and selenium

The exotic food trend kimchi is slowly coming to the western metropolises. Kimchi is a spicy, spicy Korean dish made from fermented Chinese cabbage, ginger, garlic, radish and other vegetables, seasonally.

Kimchi provides energy, improves digestion and nutrient absorption. The high-fiber kimchi is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world with high levels of Vitamin A, B, and C, as well as proteins, amino acids, and minerals. In Korea, in addition to any main meal.

Health Benefits of Kimchi

1. Good for Digestion:

Kimchi is one of the healthiest dishes that you need to try to improve digestion and increase it. When kimchi is made, it improves the taste as well as the creation of healthy bacteria. This improves the intestinal flora and strengthens digestion. Kimchi is made from cabbage that is also known for detoxifying the body and removing all waste and toxins. It also cleanses the intestines and allows for better absorption of nutrients in the body. Kimchi contains fiber that fights constipation and improves bowel movements.

2. Cholesterol:

When kimchi is consumed on a regular basis, it tends to benefit significantly from cholesterol levels. Garlic is used as an essential component while Kimchi making is rich in both selenium and allicin. This will make you less prone to cardiovascular disease and also leaves a positive effect on the arteries. It also prevents the buildup of plaque and reduces the risk of diseases like atherosclerosis.

3. Fights Obesity:

Kimchi also makes you less prone to weight gain. Kimchi contains antioxidants in abundance along with healthy bacteria that lower the appetite and balance of blood sugar levels. Also, kimchi contains fiber that keeps you full for a longer period of time and also makes you feel less hungry. According to a recent study, kimchi reduces body fat and increases metabolism. It also prevents binging and prevents you from eating too much.

4. Reinforces Immunity:

Another way to boost immunity is by simply kimchi on your diet. It contains flavonoids and other phenolic components that are good for your health. Kimchi contains garlic, peppers, and ginger, which have a positive effect on the immune system. It also fights infections and makes you less prone to cold, flu and cough.

5. Good for the Skin:

Kimchi also contains antioxidants that slowly fight off symptoms of cancer and leave your skin aging. Not only that, kimchi also acts as a natural scavenger and protects the body from the dangerous effects of oxygen-free radicals. Kimchi reduces dermatitis and also reduces inflammation. Kimchi also contains vitamin C in abundance which attributes anti-aging benefits.

6. Heals stomach Ulcers:

Kimchi can also cure you of stomach ulcers. It comes with therapeutic effects that fight harmful pathogens and successfully fight off stomach cancer cells

Side Effects:- Here are some of the side effects of kimchi:

side effects of kimchi

Kimchi contains fiber in abundance that could at one point lead to flatulence or gas problems.

However, this would depend on how much you consume.

Kimchi contains salt that increases blood pressure and affects heart activity.

Kimchi can also lead to stomach cancer if taken very regularly.


There are different types of kimchi that can be made. Some of them are made from cucumber, radish, ginseng, cayenne and Indian mustard leaves.

It is also used to create delicious seasoning and can be kept under favorable conditions for fermentation for several days.

How did you like this post? Have you tried kimchi before? Were you enjoying their benefits? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below.
April 23, 2018

How much can you Weight Loss in a Week?

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How much can you Weight Loss in a Week

 1 kg, 2 kg or even 3 kg? Many people would like to lose a lot of weight in a short time. But how much can you weight Loss in a week?

There are many myths surrounding the subject of weight loss: Not a few people want to lose weight as quickly and effectively as possible and are therefore looking for the right method for them. A very common question is how much weight you can lose in one week. Of course, this cannot be answered in a lump sum because there are many factors that are responsible for this. It is important to always lose weight in a healthy way if you want to keep the new figure then permanently.

 Weight Loss in a Week

   How much can you Weight Loss in a Week?

Weight Loss in a Week - How much is Possible?

As we leaf through magazines, we often see flash diet advertising that can lose several kilos per week. That sounds tempting, but it's not really realistic. One thing is certain, that one weight Loss fasts if one hardly eats - this one often does not even do sports. Depending on the initial weight, this can even be several kilos. However, what is supposed to tumble from the hips, is not fat, but much more muscle mass, glycogen, and water. As soon as you start eating normally again, you can quickly recover the lost kilos.

For this, it is important to deal with the facts that affect the functioning of our body: One kilo of body fat contains about 7,000 calories. An adult who moves normally in everyday life consumes about 2,000 calories per day - that's 14,000 calories a week. In theory, you could lose two kilos of fat a week.

In practice, however, this looks different: Body fat can be almost only used when the body burns additional energy. Because even the brain and other organs are dependent on energy, such as carbohydrates or glucose. If you take too little of it, the body first degrades the carbohydrates present in the body - usually, these are stored in the form of glucose. Although it can be achieved a weight loss effect, usually it is only about water and not the unloved fat.

Permanently to the Beautiful Figure by Building Muscle Instead of Degradation

When the body's own glycogen stores are emptied, the body begins to break down proteins from the muscles - so you lose muscle mass. However, this is essential for weight loss because the more muscle mass the body has, the higher the calorie or fat consumption when moving. Even when at rest, sitting on an office chair, for example, muscles burn calories. So do not let the body degrade it by barely feeding it, but fortify it with endurance and strength training.

It is clear that a radical decline is usually crowned with only short success. Muscle loss due to poor nutrition, although the pointer on the scale sinks slightly, this is anything but conducive to a permanent decrease. The body is weakened and the energy consumption is reduced. Not to mention, moreover, that you feel cravings for an empty glycogen storage in the body quickly - and this can have fatal consequences.

The Weight Loss Can also be Calculated

Promises of miracle diets made in magazines and other media are unsustainable because the speed with which you actually weight Loss depends primarily on how much energy you consume and how much you consume. Ultimately, energy balance is the most important factor influencing body weight - and also deciding whether to weight Loss, gain weight or maintain weight.

The better or more negative the energy balance is, the more conducive this will be for the decrease. This means that if you do more exercise, you can put more calories on your energy account - and you can either "spice it up" with an extra feast without a guilty conscience or use it for the energy balance - in other words, to promote the decrease.

Meanwhile, there are numerous computers on the Internet, where you have the opportunity to enter some personal information, then to calculate how fast you could weight Loss with a negative energy balance or how long it takes to achieve the desired weight. Factors that play a role include current weight, gender, and height. In this way, it is easier to keep track because you know exactly how much you can eat - and thus the desired figure can come a bit closer.
April 22, 2018

Weight Loss in Cancer

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Difficulties with food and fluid intake and unwanted weight loss are among the most common and difficult caring problems in cancer patients.

In the last phase of cancer, many patients Weight Loss in Cancer, are impotent, suffer from loss of appetite and show clear signs of muscle and adipose tissue breakdown. The term cachexia is used in the jargon. Many patients show signs of dehydration (dehydration). The combination of cachexia and dehydration may be caused by cancer itself or may be a result of complications of the disease and therapy.

Weight Loss in Cancer

                                  Weight Loss in Cancer


In the final stages of cancer, 80% of patients have food intake problems. Studies show that this is one of the most important factors influencing the well-being of patients.


Many factors play a role in weight loss in advanced cancers. The most common are: a toothache, chewing and swallowing complaints, dry mouth, pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and the like. a. by ingrowth of tumor tissue into the gastrointestinal tract, lack of nutrient absorption from the intestine, respiratory problems u. a. by the ingress of tumor tissue into the respiratory tract, infections (including fungal infections), immobilization, side effects of medication - nausea, constipation and abdominal pain, mental disorders, anxiety, and restlessness.


In the advanced stage of cancer, with significant weight loss and listlessness, physicians, patients, and relatives must assess how appropriate further examinations and tests are. An investigation should determine if there are therapeutic approaches for the patient. The most important thing is to talk to the patient and relatives, record the medical history, and perform a physical examination of the patient. In the overall assessment, the focus is on tumor status with the extent of tumor spread (metastasis) and other diseases of the subject. Furthermore, the performance, psychosocial situation, life expectancy and motivation for further therapy of the patient are assessed.


The therapy aims at the alleviation, limitation, and prevention of complaints. Therapy for advanced cancer depends on the patient's diagnosis, problem definition, and life expectancy. A good dialogue with the patient is very important to explain the advantages and disadvantages of a therapy. You may want to get in touch with a dietician.


It should be weighed according to the overall situation of the patient, whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy should be continued. Complications should be treated as possible. Also, psychosocial support in the form of meal and family conversation is important. You may be able to try nutritional supplements. In some cases, a drug therapy is possible. The artificial diet is usually recommended only for a short time in case of complications or other acute diseases.

Medical Therapy

After careful examination, a drug therapy can be initiated to stimulate appetite and counteract weight loss. With a low life expectancy, corticosteroids can be used to stimulate the appetite. The treatment of complications should be based on their cause, eg. For example, fungi in the oral cavity can lead to dysphagia.

Fluid Therapy

In the early phase of palliative care, fluid can be administered intravenously. In the final stage, there is usually no fluid therapy, but it may be considered when symptoms can be avoided or alleviated. Among other things, thirst can be avoided by good oral hygiene and regular moistening of the mouth.

Alternative Therapies

In many cases of palliative care patients, it is not appropriate to force patients to eat or consume supplements. It can be very uncomfortable for the patients if they are forced to eat or forced to eat. Often it is better to moisten only the lips and mouth with a wet sponge, to massage the patient a little, to read to him or play music.

Process Control

At the beginning of the therapy, goals must be clearly defined and a plan for assessing effectiveness must be created. The patient must know the prerequisites for therapy measures. Possible side effects of the therapy must be continuously evaluated and monitored. If the goals are not achieved with the therapy, it must be changed or aborted.
April 21, 2018

The Benefits of Olive Oil for the Hair.

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The olive oil is used not only for salads and food but also has a big advantage for the hair. Thanks to its rich and moisturizing ingredients you can easily use the olive oil in your hair, you can pour it into a bottle and easily put it in the bathroom so that the hair gets a lot of shine and care when you use it. With this report, we show you The Benefits of Olive oil for the Hair and how you should use it.

The Benefits of Olive Oil for the Hair.

The Application and the Benefits of Olive Oil

Much less Dandruff

If you mix the olive oil with the lemon juice, the scales in your hair are reduced.

While lemon juice softens the scales, the olive oil on the other side moistens the scalp.

The only thing they have to do is to mix the lemon juice and the oil with water and massage it evenly into the hair and let it work for 20 minutes. In hindsight, they should wash their hair with a care shampoo and stop the process. You should repeat this application once a week.

Power and Shine

You can use the popular and great home remedy instead of a moisturizing shampoo or a conditioner, so you get a healthy look and shine in your hair in no time back. Vitamin A, E, and antioxidants are given by the olive oil much keratin and protection for the hair. It gives the hair a lot of protection and it helps in gaining shine.

Fast Growing Hair

The benefits of olive oil are also the most important and indeed the rapid growth of hair.

Over the years, as many do not know, olive oil has developed very much for the hair.

If you use olive oil, the hair is stronger, thus get a lot of shine and reduces hair loss. In addition, it has a moisturizing effect on the olives, it prevents the formation of dandruff and hair loss.

If you wash or blow dry your hair should be elastic so that no hair loss occurs. Olive oil helps to be strong and increases the elasticity of the hair.

Finally, we would like to try for an unhealthy scalp, the skin layer and moisturize. The use of olive oil nourishes your skin protects your hair not only strengthens the hair. In addition, antibacterial and antifungal ingredients contained in olive oil protect the scalp from infection.

How to Use the Olive Oil in the Hair?

How to Use the Olive Oil in the Hair?

First, you should comb your hair.

In the connection, they should put on something old or put on a big towel. This application should not be done in the bathroom if it comes to the fact that olive oil drips on the floor and you do not slip.

Take a small bowl of olive oil and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The olive oil should not be hot but only heated. Then you should massage the olive oil into your hair. In retrospect, one should drown in the olive oil and comb. Thus, the hair is complete with the olive oil. Wrap her hair in the towel. After waiting for 30 minutes, they then wash their hair with a conditioning shampoo.

1- Olives and Honey Mask:

Stir half a glass of olive oil and a ¼ full glass of honey. If the stir is too sticky then add some olive oil and stir again. Pierce 3 times E vitamin capsules and put it into the already mixed glass. Stir it until it is lubricated. Lubricate it with the help of a brush in the hair, but put more emphasis on the dry or broken bad spots. Then put on a bathing cap and leave it for 90 minutes. Wash hair with lukewarm water and dry it until it is no longer sticky. Then wash your hair with a non-aggressive shampoo and take another rinse.

2 Olive Oil and Coconut Nut Oil Mask:

If your hair is short then take 2 tablespoons of coconut nut oil and one tablespoon of olive oil and stir it. If your hair is long or full then you can increase the amount. It is important that the amount of coconut nut oil always has to be twice. The mixed together into the hair and then comb through with either fingers or a brush. Then put a shower cap on it. Leave it to dry for a whole night and then wash it with lukewarm water the next morning. Then work with shampoo and rinse.

3- Olive Oil Banana Bask:

Take a medium sized peeled banana and crush it. Mix the crushed banana with ¼ olive oil. Add another teaspoon of honey. The mixed together lubricate the entire hair. Then put a shower cap on the head. After about 30 minutes rinse with lukewarm water. Because this mask is very sticky it will dry very intensely. Then work with shampoo and rinse.

. 4- Olive Oil, Avocado, and Honey Mask:

Take a mature avocado. Peel the selected avocado and then intensively crush it. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey to the avocado. The finished mixed with the damp hair. If you have a fetus, then please do not massage in there. Massage it more into the tips, because the tips are the most damaged places. Massage it with the help of your hands. Then put on a shower cap. The effect is amplified with light. Blow-dry hair for at least 15 minutes. Then leave to dry in the sun for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with warm, warm water. Then dry your hair in the form of a message. Wash it afterward with a less aggressive shampoo and then a rinse afterward. Warning: No matter how many times you make raw eggs with olive oil as a mask you should distance yourself from it. Because there are bacteria in some of the eggs that can tamper with your mouth during the process of masquing
April 21, 2018

Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

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Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

Aloe Vera is often used for a variety of beauty products because it offers a wealth of benefits. Not only is it strong in the beauty industry, Aloe Vera has been used in herbal medicine for centuries.
This nutrient-rich plant contains:

20 minerals

18 different amino acids

Vitamins A, B, C, and E

Over 200 phytonutrients that can benefit the entire body

Aloe Vera Benefits for the hair

But what exactly can Aloe do for the hair? Aloe has quickly become the main ingredient in countless shampoos, creams, conditioners and other hair products. Read on and find out why! Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

1) Promotion of Hair Growth

Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

If you have temporary hair loss or want to promote hair growth, aloe is a great and natural way to do it. Due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals in the aloe, it can penetrate deep into the scalp and work as a potent stimulus with a variety of mechanisms.

Another important element that promotes hair growth is the abundance of proteolytic enzymes found in Aloe Vera. These enzymes cause dead skin cells to be removed from the scalp, which can clog the hair follicles so that nutrients can enter for growth.

Aloe Vera is also an alkaline substance that can balance the pH of your scalp, which optimizes the pH environment for hair growth! The hair can not grow if the pH of the scalp is too acidic.

Therefore, aloe provides excellent mechanisms for promoting stronger and faster hair growth.

2) Eliminates Itching on the Scalp

Due to the anti-itching properties of aloe, it can fight the itching of the scalp and dryness. The main culprit for itching and dryness on the scalp is the abundance of dead skin cells. This is also the case in people with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that causes overproduction of skin cells.

Because Aloe contains enzymes that can break dead skin cells, it is an excellent treatment for itchy scalp or psoriasis. In fact, one study found that 80% of people with psoriasis noticed an improvement in scalp health after using Aloe Vera!

3) Treats Dandruff

Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

To eliminate dandruff, one can use commercial shampoos, which are often full of harsh chemicals that further damage the scalp. Instead, Aloe naturally and gently helps treat dandruff without drying out the scalp or causing irritation.

Not only can alone be used on psoriasis, it can also help combat scaly attachments on the scalp. Dandruff is common in both men and women and is usually associated with an itchy and dry scalp. Essentially, dandruff is caused by the build-up of dead skin cells due to a variety of factors. (It should not be confused with seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, which is a condition caused by increased production of sebum (oil) on the scalp.) The proteolytic enzymes and anti-fungal properties of aloe help prevent scaly adhesions on the scalp reduce.

4) Hair and Scalp Care

As mentioned above, treatment with aloe can help to get rid of scalp problems. But it is also a wonderful & nourishing cure for your hair and scalp!

The gel-like consistency of aloe has a similar chemical composition to keratin, which is the protein in the hair. This fact makes it easier for the aloe to penetrate the hair follicles and hair roots. Therefore, the hair gets all the nourishing nutrients of aloe, and so gives the hair strength and shine, while the moisture is trapped.

How Can I Include Aloe in my Daily Hair Care?

Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

Aloe can be used in Many Ways:

1) Pre-Shampoo:

Before shampooing, massage the aloe gel into your scalp for a few minutes to remove excess skin cells. This will help to remove dandruff and open the follicles so that hair care products can penetrate better.

2) Shampoo:

Instead of using chemical-rich shampoos, choose aloe as a natural alternative! It is very moisturizing without the extra harsh chemicals that can irritate your scalp.

3) Deep care:

Your hair needs an extra dose of nutrients? Moisten your hair, lather it with aloe and wrap your hair in a damp cloth for 15 minutes. Wash your hair as you always do and enjoy shiny and revitalized hair!

4) Define Curls:

 Undefined curls? Use a tiny drop of Aloe Vera gel on wet hair, rub it with your fingers. Let the hair dry in the air and watch as the Aloe Mold brings in the unruly curls.

So, there you have it! Be creative with your Aloe Vera gel and try different hair care recipes for your hair type.

Also Read:- How to Grow Natural Hair?