September 21, 2018

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

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Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese includes supporting muscle growth, a good source of protein, a good source of fat, enhanced enzyme, immune and blood health, supports immune function, a good source of vitamin D, improves bone health, helps maintain muscle health, strength and Performance, reduces cell damage and the risk of prostate cancer, and support the health of the skin.

Health Benefits of cottage cheese

What is Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese has been a traditional "meathead" for decades because of its versatility, high protein content and nutrient matrix, which gives it many of the health benefits of this list. In this article, we will dig into the various nutrients that make it great for building muscle mass but also to discuss why it is beneficial for those who are looking to improve health and lose weight.

Nutritional information

Per 100g

Energy: 86 calories

Protein: 1,6g

Fat: 0.1g

Carbohydrates: 4.4g

Fiber: 3g

Sugar: 4.2g


A: 89% RDA

B1: 7% RDA

B2: 5% RDA

B3: 4% RDA

B5: 16% RDA

B6: 16% RDA

B9: 3%

B12: zero

C: 3% RDA

D: zero

E: 2% RDA

K: zero

Calcium: 3% RDA

Iron: 5% RDA

Magnesium: 7% RDA

Manganese: 12% RDA

Phosphorus: 7% RDA

Potassium: 7% RDA

Zinc: 3% RDA

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

The mako-nutrient make-up of cottage cheese is one of the main attractions for athletes, bodybuilders and health enthusiasts alike.

1. Good Source of Protein

Like many other "cultured" dairy products, cottage cheese is relatively rich in dietary protein combined with an improved fat loss, muscle gain, recovery, and athletic performance. 100 g of cottage cheese (a relatively small portion) contains about 11-12 g of the protein [1], which is about 20% of the daily needs of man.

2. Helps to Build Muscle

The type of protein in cottage cheese is also responsible for its popularity among fitness enthusiasts. Casein is a slow-digesting protein found in many dairy products and revered for its slow digestion, as many believe it is a superior protein source for pre-sleep consumption. The idea is that casein promotes muscle regeneration and growth during sleep - although there is very little scientific evidence for it, there is a specific mechanism.

3. A Good Source of Fat

The fat profile of cottage cheese is also attractive - while the total fat content is relatively low (available with low-fat and low-fat variants), the fats it contains are a good blend of high-quality saturated and unsaturated fats. In spite of the recent media panic, saturated fats are not necessarily "bad for you" and a range of unsaturated fats in quark help balance the blood lipids (fats).


Micronutrients are the things that usually determine which foods are "healthy" and which are not. When we think of a healthy diet, it is usually full of colored vegetables, high-quality animal proteins, and various plant foods (e.g., black beans). The common quality is a rich micronutrient profile: many vitamins and minerals.

4. Improvement of enzyme, Immune and Blood Health

As with any animal or dairy products, Quark is rich in a variety of B vitamins. These are generally associated with proper enzyme production and function, making them an essential part of maintaining muscle growth, fat loss, immune function, blood health, and many other important processes. Many people in the English-speaking world are into these vitamins and an increase in cottage cheese in the diet can be a good step towards addressing this deficiency.

We can get about 7% of our daily B12 requirement from 100g cottage cheese (a relatively small amount, depending on how you eat it) - a vitamin that is almost completely absent in plant foods, where it is almost impossible to get it in the To absorb body. There are comparable amounts of vitamin B2, vitamin B5, and vitamin B9, making it a relatively useful source of low-calorie, nutritious dairy products. This makes it an excellent choice for vegetarians who can not source the full range of B-vitamins from plant sources.

5. Supports the Immune Function

Vitamin A is also contained in reasonable quantities in cottage cheese, with about 5-7% of our daily needs contained in the modest 100g portion. Vitamin A is associated with proper immune function and the health of the skin and other tissues. This vitamin is contained in a variety of foods and we are rarely deficient in the 21st century, but a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious dermatological damage.

6. A Good Source of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is one of the most common deficiencies in the world. Vitamin D comes from a number of sources, one of the most important being through the synthesis of the skin when we are in sunlight. However, in certain climates, there is not enough sunlight to synthesize vitamin D, and those with darker skins are struggling to make their own vitamin D in cooler climates because they are more resistant to the sun's rays.

Cottage cheese and many dairy products are excellent sources of dietary vitamin D. The main role of vitamin D for health and performance is the preservation of bone density and the absorption of calcium into the bones. People who do not get enough vitamin D in their youth develop osteoporosis and fractures as they grow older.

7. Improves Bone Health

As mentioned earlier, the importance of bone mineral density for longevity and a good quality of life is crucial. The intake of calcium is supported by vitamin D but is only possible if we consume enough calcium in the diet. Cottage cheese is a great source of calcium and, with its vitamin D content, can provide us with the synergistic benefits of both micronutrients.

Another often overlooked mineral is potassium. In combination with calcium, this mineral is associated with bone mineral density. Calcium and potassium are the two major minerals that make up the hard "outer" part of the bones - providing adequate nutrition to our body with these two nutrients is a great way to ensure that we do not develop bone fragility with age.

8. Helps to Maintain the Health, Strength, and Strength of the Muscles.

Magnesium, which is contained in cottage cheese, is used for the excitement of nerves and muscles [3], making it essential for proper muscle development and athletic performance. Not only that, but it will also have a protective function for reducing muscle strength and strength in old age - an essential component in reducing fall injuries and balance disorders. Muscle strength is not just for those who compete in weight training but is an overlooked requirement for maintaining health and quality of life in old age.

9. Reduces Cell Damage and Prostate Cancer Risks

Cottage cheese is rich in selenium - a trace element that has profound antioxidant effects and a special effect on prostate cancer. Antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals that would otherwise damage the DNA in the cells, which means that the selenium content in cottage cheese can reduce the chances of cancer in general and prostate cancer in particular.

September 10, 2018

Foods to lose weight with

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The right diet can support a diet and make the pounds melt even faster. These are foods to lose weight with real fat killers.

Most diets fail because hunger and appetite are too big and the allowed food portions are too small. This need not be. It is important that you eat the right foods during a diet so that the pounds can melt. We show ten foods that are ideal for losing weight and give nutritional tips so that the desired figure remains permanent.

Foods to lose weight with

Foods to lose weight with


Foods to lose weight with

Chicken eggs are great for losing weight. They have a lot of vital substances. In addition, studies have shown that eggs can contribute to the breakdown of the abdominal fat and counteract the often observed in a diet loss of muscle mass. So: Just make a delicious omelet, then it works well with the weight loss. Maybe with Brussels sprouts and spinach?


Foods to lose weight with

Legumes, such as beans and peas, provide a large amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is natural nutrient cocktail saturates particularly well, as a scientific study ha,s confirmed. Subjects who frequently incorporated pulses into the diet during their slimming diet felt happier with their food and less hungry.


Foods to lose weight with

It is calorie-free and stimulates the circulation. In addition, coffee accelerates breathing, the blood vessels expand, the heartbeat is faster and the organs are better supplied with blood. The body works more and consumes more fat. The best way to drink the coffee without milk and sugar.


Foods to lose weight with

In the fruit are many bitter substances, so the grapefruit is a real fat killer. The bitter substances lead fat directly to the places where they are burned in the body. In this way, they prevent the fat from settling on the hips and stomach. By the way, bitter substances like grapefruit can also help with sugar addiction,


Foods to lose weight with

It is a very high energy density, they can support a diet. Nuts curb the appetite and have many unsaturated fatty acids. Well, suited are, for example, walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.


Foods to lose weight with

Several years ago, the Institute of Food Research proved that water is a fat killer. Water stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates the metabolism. In addition, water fills the stomach, the satiety begins faster. The trick works only with still water. Drinking a large glass of water or unsweetened tea 30 minutes before each meal fills the stomach, reduces appetite and speeds up both metabolism and fat burning by up to 30 percent.


Foods to lose weight with

The chili contains the active ingredient capsaicin. This boosts the metabolism and raises the body temperature. The body uses more energy - extra calories are burned. So why not enjoy more spicy food? We recommend chili in combination with ginger with delicious fish or fiery chili con carne.


Foods to lose weight with

Researchers in Canada found that calcium can help you lose weight. Buttermilk contains a lot of calcium, but little fat. The milk has only about 35 calories per 100 milliliters - but makes for a relatively long full.


Foods to lose weight with

Lamb contains egg whites and L-carnitine. And this vitamin-like substance makes the meat a fat killer. If the body has enough L-carnitine, the fat burning increases by a whopping 15 percent.

Cottage Cheese

Foods to lose weight with

Little fat, but much saturating protein is the slim formula of this cream cheese specialty. 100 grams deliver only 90 calories. If that's nothing! Be sure to try omelet wrap with cottage cheese and Avocado.

Permanently losing weight? That's how it works!

So that the weight can be kept even after the diet, it is important to change the eating habits permanently. Vegetables, fruits, whole-grain, and low-fat dairy products should be part of everyday life in the long term. And not too much fat should be used in the preparation. In addition to the eating behavior, the movement is very important for a lasting success. On the one hand, it consumes more calories and, on the other, it builds muscle. This is convenient because they burn energy and therefore calories. Thus, the customer success is permanently maintained
August 22, 2018

Can You Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet?

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You can be vegan for a variety of reasons - animal welfare, environmental protection, health and even the desire to lose a few pounds can be a motivation. But Really Can You Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet? How does it work and what should you look for?

Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet

Can you Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet?

Yes, you can lose weight with a vegan diet - but there is no guarantee. Because theoretically, you can lose weight with any diet - if you are not only fed by chocolate, chips, cola and ready meals.

But the vegan diet has clear benefits: it often includes a diverse and varied selection of vegetables, legumes, fruits, cereals and whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. A study showed that a vegan diet could kill 8.1 million fewer people a year. According to the researchers, more than half of these avoided deaths are attributable to the reduced consumption of red meat (beef, pork, sheep, goat) and about a quarter to increased fruit and vegetable consumption.

In addition, vegans often live healthier lives: They smoke less often, drink less alcohol and move more. To what extent the diet is crucial here, or whether healthy people generally more often opt for a vegan diet, but you do not know exactly.

Vegan Slimming: What to Pay Attention to?

Long-time vegans know their stuff and know what to look for. But who is just starting to eat vegan should pay attention to a few things. Some nutrients are not or only with the vegan diet if you are well versed. These include vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin D, protein, calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.

Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet

Except for vitamin B12 - which should be supplemented as a vegan or absorbed by means of enriched toothpaste - it is possible to absorb these nutrients with a balanced, varied diet. However, one should be aware that all nutrients are present in the diet.

The vegan nutritional poster from the Vegetarian Union (web) or the vegan food pyramid of the animal rights organization Peta can be helpful. In our article "Vitamins from plant sources", you will find out which vegan foods contain which vitamins. Even a regular blood test at the doctor makes sense, it shows possible shortage situations.

Vegan slimming: Decisive is the energy balance

If you want to lose weight - whether vegan or not - you have to consume more energy than you absorb. That does not mean that you now have to spend your time counting calories and starving. Often it helps to gradually change little things and slowly strive for a healthier lifestyle.

How much energy you use varies from person to person depending on body weight, body composition, gender, age, health, temperature around you and, crucially, physical activity. You can do little about most of these things, except for your physical activity. This means: If you want to lose weight, you have to move.

It will not Work Without Exercise

You do not have to do sports five days a week - they are often small things that can do a lot: climb stairs instead of taking the escalator or the elevator, walk short distances on foot or by bike and take a short walk during lunch break,

Yes, even in winter. Do you remember, temperature also plays a role in energy consumption? The colder it is outside, the more energy your body uses to keep you warm. In addition, the cold air - and with luck a few winter sun rays (vitamin D) - good for your health.

Lose Weight With a Vegan Diet

Try to integrate regular sports activities into your everyday life: maybe you like swimming, running, cycling, dancing or just enjoying a team sport? No matter what sport, schedule time each week. If you're worried about doing so, make friends - you can motivate each other.

 What am I Actually Eating?

Let's get to the energy that you absorb. It is clearly influenced by your diet. And again, it is small steps that can change a lot. A good way to find out where to start is with a food diary.

If you write down what you eat regularly, you may even come up with a few things to work on. Try not to eat as little as possible - especially for vegans it is important to eat well. Pay attention to what foods you eat.

Clean Eating: Not Just a Trend

Eat as clean as possible! For vegans, there is now plenty of finished product with too much salt and additives. Leave these on the left and try to eat as much fresh and unprocessed food as possible: From vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, cereals, and nuts can be conjured up a lot.

How about a homemade spread on freshly baked bread with a hemp milk, an almond milk or a smoothie and an energy ball for dessert? A good source of inspiration is vegan food accounts on Instagram.

Carbohydrates? Yes, But Whole Grain

Carbohydrates make you fat? Not necessarily. If you only eat croissants, white bread, and sugar, you will not lose a kilo. But if you eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as cereal flakes, bran, beans, whole wheat pasta, wholemeal bread, whole grain rice, potatoes, vegetables or soy products, your body will need more time to digest, your blood sugar level will not rise so much and you will stay full longer.

Healthy Snacks Instead of Cheat-Day

The cheat-day is a trend that is especially common on social networks and on YouTube: starving six days a week and in one-day pizza, fries, coke, chocolate, ice cream and everything else that is otherwise prohibited cram. Such regular, planned eating bouts are not a good idea.

It is better to treat yourself from time to time. Delicious homemade brownies made from kidney beans, energy balls or homemade Nutella. The benefit of doing it yourself: You can decide for yourself how much sugar you use.

Lots, Lots of Drinking!

In addition to the food, drinks also play a role in losing weight. A very simple rule of thumb is: drink water so much that you never feel thirsty. Through sweet drinks such as coke, sprite, iced tea, but also through juice and finished juice spritzers you absorb unnecessary energy and the tap water in Germany you can safely drink. If you can not taste without it, pep up your water with ginger, cucumber, herbs or lemon.

Listen to Yourself: Intuition and Mindfulness

What does the esoteric stuff have to do with weight loss, you may wonder now. Probably more than you think. Before you eat straight away at the next meal, be careful and listen to yourself: are you hungry or just hungry? Are you stressed or relaxed? Take time to eat and take your body was aware. Celebrate the food and decorate it nicely. Food is something nice and it should stay that way for you.

 When You Realize That You are Full, Stop Eating.

Incidentally, stress and weight often go together: while some people barely eat in stressful times, others stuff sugar and fat. Every now and then, be aware of relaxation in your everyday life, even short sessions - ten minutes after getting up, during lunch break or just before going to bed - can help to lower your stress level.

Vegan Slimming With Patience

Conclusion: Do not view the vegan diet as a diet, with which you can lose many kilos in a short time. That will not work: As soon as you eat again as before, you have the pounds back on your hips. Try to see and use the change in diet as something long-term. Try new recipes, let yourself be inspired and discover the diversity of the vegan diet. Give yourself and your body time to get used to it and do not go crazy.
August 18, 2018

Green Tea Good for Losing Weight.Is that really true?

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Green tea is often drunk around the world and has been a popular drink for thousands of years, especially in Asia. Many positive effects are said to have been achieved. Thanks to the nutrients it contains, it should be able to be used preventively and curatively against various clinical pictures. In addition, you should be able to use Green Tea Good for Losing Weight. Is that really true?

Green Tea Good for Losing Weight

Green Tea Good for Losing Weight

This is How Green Tea Helps Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, make sure that a calorie deficit is reached. Anyone who already takes a lot of energy on the drunk drinks has no chance. For this reason, make sure that you only drink things that have no calories. Since the selection is quite limited. The most suitable are water and tea. However, not only does green tea have no calories, but it also has a positive effect on human metabolism. The hormone balance is also influenced by the better. Another pleasing effect of green tea is that the contained bitter substances curb appetite, making it easier for consumers to eat less.

Slimming With Green Tea - the Caffeine

Green tea contains caffeine and it affects our body after ingestion. Various studies have shown that caffeine and catechins cause more fat in the body to be converted into energy and new fat deposits are created more slowly. The increased heartbeat consumes more energy in the body, which has a positive effect on the energy balance. These are not isolated studies with partly contradictory results. Since the year 2000, about 45 investigations have been carried out, which may prove the above. Thus, green tea should be an integral part of the diet for each customer and the question of whether green tea helps to lose weight can clearly be answered with "yes". Losing weight with green tea works!

Lose Weight with Green Tea - when should you Drink it?

Green Tea Good for Losing Weight

When the green tea is drunk plays only a minor role. In any case, should be distributed throughout the day and not to be drunk. In the early morning you should not drink it on an empty stomach, but not for breakfast. Ideal always 30 minutes after each meal. But if you are traveling a lot, you might get in trouble because you can not prepare a cup of tea anywhere. If you can not keep to the ideal intake times, you should make sure that you drink after or between meals.

Green Tea Extract is an Alternative

Those who find that cooking a lot of tea becomes too annoying over time can resort to green tea extract as an alternative. Here are the most important ingredients of green tea. These include, for example, EGCG, which is known as one of the best antioxidants. By taking in tablet form, the green tea can be easily taken anywhere, you do not constantly boil water and it is cheaper. However, you should make sure that you drink enough water like green tea dehydrates and this would hinder the weight loss process.

How much can you Lose Weight With Green Tea?

Since everybody is different, you can not give a blanket answer here. You will not be able to lose weight just by drinking green tea. This can only speed up and support the process. It is important that you eat healthy and balanced, have a constant calorie deficit and also regularly sports. Lying on the couch, eating chips and drinking green tea will hardly give you the desired result. Green tea for weight loss is not a miracle weapon, but can only be supportive.
July 30, 2018

Diet Plan for Losing Weight

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If you want to Diet Plan for Losing Weight, you are spoiled for choice when it comes to nutrition. The market is littered with weight loss tips and seemingly overnight miracle products that promise rapid weight loss in no time. What really helps: Fasting, food combining, Formula diets, FdH or protein-rich food.

One thing most diets have in common is that they dictate a specific nutritional plan that must be followed to achieve the promised weight loss. Unfortunately, a large number of these nutritional plans are not only about abstinence but often also about health risks. It is therefore not surprising that most diets only last for a short time and often end in the unloved yo-yo effect.

Diet Plan for losing weight

              Diet Plan for losing weight

The content of the article

1 nutritional plan for a long-term diet change

2 tips for a diet plan for losing weight

3 meals and times of the day

4 nutritional plan Example for 1 week

4.1 Monday - Thursday

4.2 Friday - Sunday

5 Integrate sports into the nutrition plan

6 conclusion

With the plethora of possible nutritional plans that all promise a quick weight loss, it's nearly impossible to keep track of things. Are carbs now bad? Do I have to do without fat completely? And are sweets basically forbidden? These are just a few questions that you have to deal with when researching a suitable nutrition plan.

1. Nutrition Plan for a Long-Term Diet Change

Basically, if you want to lose weight in the long term and keep your desired weight permanently, you have to change your diet permanently. Although one can easily lose 5 kg in 14 days with one-sided radical diets, as soon as one begins again to eat, as usual, the lost pounds are back on the hips. As the nutritional plans of short-term diets are often not only very one-sided but also drastically reduce the calorie intake, you also risk deficiency symptoms. These can manifest in symptoms such as tiredness, headache, and bad mood.

In addition, you lose in a fast weight loss mainly water and not fat. If the body is not sufficiently supplied with protein in the time, it gets worse: Then he taps the valuable muscle mass for energy. And muscles are our body's own fat burning stoves, which should not be lost when you lose weight. They burn even in the dormant amount of energy. Less muscle mass therefore also means a lower basal metabolic rate. If you return to the traditional diet after the end of the diet, weight gain is inevitable.

Conclusion: Who does not give his body the time to lose weight slowly, but steadily, will also increase relatively quickly. Rather than relying on the promises of apparent miracle drugs and crash diets, it is important to create a long-term nutritional plan that initially supports weight loss and later helps to maintain the desired weight.

2. Tips for a Diet Plan for Losing Weight

If you want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you eat. This rule sounds so easy and that's it. Theoretically, all the one hundred one-sided and restrictive diets are superfluous. That's probably why there is not ONE DIET that works guaranteed. In principle, it does not matter what you eat: If you consume more calories than you consume, you gain weight.

For the sake of both health and figure, you should still not just use fast food and sweets to provide the body with all the essential nutrients. The ultimate diet plan for losing weight cannot exist and that's a good thing. After all, each of us has a different taste and dietary preference. To lose weight, however, the nutrition plan must have a bottom line negative calorie balance.

The goal should always be a long-term change in diet because only those who permanently change their eating habits will be able to maintain their weight permanently. Otherwise threatens the feared yo-yo effect.

A nutritional plan is especially useful at the beginning of the diet change because you do not have to ask every day "What am I eating today?" And then possibly run the risk of falling into old dietary patterns. Ideally, the plan for the entire week will be created at the weekend.

Another benefit of a nutritional plan is that you can provide the body with the nutrients it needs, depending on the time of day. So we prevented food cravings and deficiency symptoms. At meals, it is important to eat enough, otherwise not only food cravings and above all not too little to eat.

A common misconception in diets is that less food also brings more success. However, the truth is different, because if too few calories are supplied, the body shuts down its metabolism to save energy. Maybe you lose more weight in the first days, but especially in the form of water and valuable muscle mass, but hardly any fat. In order to boost the fat metabolism, the body needs enough food.

3. Meals and Times of The Day

A change in diet is always a conversion of beloved habits. Snacks during lunch break, in between snacking or chips and sweet snacks in front of the TV make weight loss even more difficult.

A nutritional plan supports the period of getting used to, which is most difficult in the first few days and weeks. The good news is that the body gets used to the new structure relatively quickly, and losing weight is much easier.

Whether it is more advantageous to eat three large meals or five small meals as part of a diet change is controversial. Personally, I prefer to eat three large meals, as it is important for the success of the customers to eat their fill. The more often you eat, the smaller the portions must be, so as not to exceed the total calorie count. The danger of overstretching is much greater than with three meals. It is important to eat enough, so there is no feeling of hunger between meals.

Another benefit of three meals a day: The body has enough time for the metabolic and digestive processes. The insulin and blood sugar levels can drop again between meals, thus boosting fat burning.

With meals, breakfast plays a crucial role. In the morning, the body needs enough starting energy for the day. Carbohydrates, such as cereal, bread, rolls, and fruit, nourish the metabolism properly and against the body the energy that it needs.

For lunch a balanced mixed diet is recommended. Especially at lunchtime you usually have little time to worry about your meals. Many people eat in the canteen, in the restaurant or get something on the way. Here you should make sure not to take too fatty snacks, such as fries and Currywurst, burgers & Co., but to healthier alternatives, such as potatoes with fried eggs, rice with chicken breast or tuna salad with bread to grab. Even a sweet dessert is quite allowed, but you should then reduce the carbohydrate portion of the main meal.

In the evening, you set the course for the night-time fat burning process with a protein-rich meal. On carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, but also fruit should be avoided in the evening. Instead, low-fat meats, fish, cheese, quark, tofu, and salad and vegetables are on the menu.
Basically, the more untreated, or more natural a food, the better it is for losing weight. In this way, one calorie trap specifically out of the way and avoids hidden sugars, unhealthy additives and plenty of fat.

Those who are fed up with meals will also be able to bridge the breaks in between. Snacks and snacks should be avoided. This applies to high-calorie drinks. Those who prefer to drink water, unsweetened tea and black coffee instead of coke, sodas, mixed milk drinks, high-calorie coffee specialties, and sugary juices will save a lot of calories and speed up the weight loss process!

4. Nutrition Plan Example for 1 week

Diet Plan for losing weight

In the following, an exemplary diet plan for losing weight for a week will be presented. This is just an example since an individual nutrition plan always depends on personal calorie needs and should also consider health factors and illnesses.
                                                               4.1    MONDAY- THURSDAY






     100g Cereal   (without                                                                                              added sugar)             

2 slices of Whole grain bread

8 tablespoons cornflakes (without sugar)

4 slices of crispbread

             2 tbsp wheat bran

1 spelled bun

4 tbsp oatmeal

1 roll

       1 apple

25g butter

20g raisins

25g butter

           1 banana

20g jam

1 pear

2 teaspoons nut nougat cream

       250 ml soy milk

1 apple

250 ml of orange juice

2 tsp jam



(706 kcal)


75g grapes
(680 kcal)

                                                                   HAVING LUNCH

Salad plate with herbal omelet
Ingredients: 150g lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, vinegar oil dressing, 1 omelet from 1 egg, 1 tbsp curd, herbs, 150g
Dessert: 150g fruit yogurt (3.5% fat)

(388 kcal)
Sandwich with turkey breast
1 roll, 1 tsp low-fat margarine, lettuce leaves, 50g smoked turkey breast, 1 hard-boiled egg in slices, 1 tomato
Dessert: 150g chocolate pudding

(461 kcal)
Tagliatelle with spinach:
200 g frozen spinach, 125 g tagliatelle, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 red and yellow pepper, 50 g low-fat cream cheese (20% fat in tr.), 40 g feta cheese, salt • pepper

(715 kcal
Boiled Potatoes with Quark: 300 g Potatoes (mostly hard-boiled), 150 g low-fat quark, ½ bunch of chives, 1 teaspoon of caraway seed, 3 tbsp mineral water (carbonated),
Salt pepper

(367 kcal)


Fish curry with vegetables:
150g fish fillets, 200g aubergines, 2 tomatoes, 1 small onion, 1 pressed garlic clove, 1 teaspoon oil, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 1 tbsp parsley, salt, pepper
(393 kcal)

Cauliflower salad with salmon: 250g salmon fillet,
1/2 cauliflower, 1 Tsp
Vegetable brewing powder, 2 tbsp
White wine vinegar, basil leaves, 2 tablespoons oil, salt, pepper

(403 kcal)
Chilli Chicken:
2 chicken breasts, 2 red peppers, 2 small onions, 2 garlic cloves, 150 ml chicken broth, 1 sprig of rosemary, 1 tbsp
Olive oil, ½ teaspoon paprika powder, salt, pepper

(368 kcal)
Pork medallions with beetroot: 200g pork tenderloin, 1 shallot, 200g cooked beetroot, 100ml Cremafin light (7% fat), 1 tablespoon oil, salt, pepper

(462 kcal)


1591 kcal

1570 kcal

1627 kcal

1509 kcal
                                                          4.2  FRIDAY- SUNDAY




2 slices of whole wheat toast
2 bread rolls
30g vegetarian spread
1 red pepper
1 tsp honey

(534 kcal)
4 tablespoons of fruit muesli (without sugar)
5 tbsp oat bran
2 teaspoons of chopped walnuts
2 kiwis
400g soy yogurt

(731 kcal)
2 slices of rye bread
2 slices of whole wheat toast
10g butter
30g vegetarian spread
50g cucumber
2 tomatoes
1 pepper
                                                                       HAVING LUNCH

Fried rice: 60 grams of jasmine rice, 100 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of frozen peas, 3 shrimps, 1 tablespoon of oil,
½ tsp turmeric powder, 1 clove of garlic, a little fresh ginger, 1 tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp sambal oelek, some lime, 40 g soybean sprouts

(709 kcal)
Carrot and potato stew: 50 g Cabanossi, 1 onion
200 g potatoes, 200 g carrots, 1 tsp butter, 350 ml vegetable broth, freshly grated nutmeg, salt, pepper, fresh leaf parsley

(471 kcal


Flatbread pizza: ½ flatbread, 1 tbsp tomato paste, 50g dried tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic
2 crushed juniper berries, 100g mozzarella, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, pepper, basil leaves

(722 kcal)
 200g mushrooms, 2 tablespoons low-fat milk (1.5% fat), 1 tablespoon oil, fresh parsley, 100g lettuce, 1 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp balsamic, ½ tsp. Mustard, salt, pepper

(393 kcal)
Steak with cucumber salsa: 1 fillet of beef (150 g), 1 pickled cucumber, 1 mustard cucumber
1 mini cucumber, 50 g mayonnaise
a little watercress, 1 tablespoon of oil
Salt pepper

(482 kcal)
180 g feta cheese (9% fat),
150 g cherry tomatoes, 3 green olives (without stone), 1 tbsp capers, 1 tsp harissa, 1 clove of garlic, ½ lemon
1 sprig of rosemary, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, pepper

(352 kcal)

1636 kcal

1684 kcal

1594 kcal

For breakfast and lunch, most calories are consumed, as the body needs the energy in the morning and at noon for heat and work. At breakfast, it is advisable to abstain from animal protein. The body is not in full swing in the morning and so it can come in a carbohydrate-protein combination to increased insulin secretion. At noon, a balanced mixed-meal meal is no problem, as the daily activity releases movement hormones. As a result, the absorbed nutrients quickly enter the blood at lunchtime.

Compared to breakfast and lunch, the dinner is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. The total calorie count of the exemplary nutritional plan varies between 1,500 and 1,700 calories, which may seem quite high compared to many crash diets.

However, the goal of a long-term change in diet is to lose weight slowly but steadily and not to downplay the metabolism too much. To accelerate the success of the customer should therefore not turn on the food but on the motion switch.

5. Integrate Sports in the Nutrition Plan

Sport should not be missing in the course of a diet change. This does not mean daily endurance, but above all more everyday life. Simple changes such as "bike instead of car", "staircase instead of the elevator" or "walk instead of TV" heeded, burned many extra calories that are noticeable on the scales.

In addition to more everyday activity, targeted muscle-building and interval training additionally heat up the love handles. More muscle mass always means a higher metabolic rate, even when you sleep! Not only men but women should therefore often resort to heavy iron.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system endurance sports, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming & Co. are ideally suited. In addition, you burn a lot of extra calories during endurance training. Especially interval training, which is characterized by alternating stress and recovery phases (intervals), represents a very time-efficient and effective training method.

6. Conclusion

With a short-term nutrition plan alone, it is not enough. Anyone who wants to lose weight healthily and stay slim on a long-term basis has to change his diet in the long term - at best for a lifetime. Crash diets that are designed only for a few days/weeks lead i.d.R. to the unwanted yo-yo effect. They do not strive for a long-term change in dietary habits and often do not cover all vital nutrients.
If you want to lose weight, you have to eat enough. A nutritional plan has the advantage that it facilitates the difficult phase of getting used to in the beginning. It is easier for many people to lose weight if they know exactly what they are planning and what they eat at what time of the day. A good diet plan should be balanced and varied and provide enough calories. This prevents muscle mass loss and avoids the yo-yo effect.

Over time, you will get used to the new diet, so that a strict nutritional plan then becomes unnecessary. After all, cooking and eating should be creative and fun.

Although many people do not like to hear it: but without exercise, losing weight is twice and three times as difficult! Even small changes, such as the bicycle instead of the car, can lead to more everyday activity and higher calorie consumption. If you then add muscle and endurance sports to your weight loss plan, the first noticeable successes will not be long in coming!